The Tucson Parks Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization working with public and private partners to supplement and support the City of Tucson Parks & Recreation’s programs, services, and capital projects; particularly those that help children, at-risk youth, seniors and the disabled.
Your tax-deductible donations are greatly appreciated to improve the quality of life for all Tucson residents & visitors.
Item | Charge |
Donation | $NONE |
Fees ( 3% ) | $NONE |
Total | $No Charge |
In our increasingly dense city, where health and a sense of connection are of the utmost importance, the need for parks has never been more urgent.
The lack of adequate public funding makes it even more difficult to keep up with necessary maintenance of our over-loved parks, trails and green spaces.
When it comes to ensuring that all Tucsonians have access to parks in their neighborhoods, our city is missing the mark. But we can do better, and we need you to help us do it!
Item | Charge |
Donation | $NONE |
Fees ( 3% ) | $NONE |
Total | $No Charge |